6th Class

Ice-cream making in 6th Class

6th Class really enjoyed making Ice-Cream this morning!

They learned about how salt lowers the freezing temperature of ice and that's why it's used on icy roads. The chemical reaction between them forces the ice to melt!

In this STEM experiment the same chemical reaction happens. The heat from the warmer cream mixture makes the ice melt. The shaking moves the warmer cream mixture form the inside of the bag to outside of the bag so it can freeze evenly. As the ice is colder, it takes heat from the ingredients, which in turn makes the ingredients colder. When the ingredients get colder, they freeze and make ice cream! 

The vanilla essence and sugar we added made it extra delicious! Topped off with some crushed flakes! :) 

3D Printing Projects

Halloween Clay Monsters!

Maths Week in full swing in 6th class! 

6th class were busy in Term 1 learning all about the solar system. They completed wonderful projects based on the topic 'Planet Earth in Space.' They enjoyed showcasing these projects for the rest of the school!

Science experiments!

We learned about our circulatory system, constellations and the effects on good/bad health on our hearts.

Local History & Geography

During the first term we learned loads about our local history and geography. This involved a trip to the Hill of Uisneach and exploring the hedgerows in our vicinity.

Tin Whistle Practise in 6th class